PGI News — NFPA 1951
Fireline Multi Mission Dual-Certified Gear
Dual-Certified Multi Mission NFPA 1951 NFPA 1977 Nomex Nomex IIIA PPE SIGMA Technical Rescue Wildland

A LIGHTWEIGHT, BREATHABLE SOLUTION TO TRADITIONAL TURNOUT GEAR Department Calls by Type 90% Non-Structural Related Calls 63.9% Medical Aid 16.8% Other 7.6% False Alarms 4.5% Mutual Aid 4.0% Fires 1.9% Other Hazardous Conditions 1.3% Hazardous Materials Heat Stress The number one fatality in line of duty deaths among firefighters and first responders is sudden cardiac arrest, most of which can be attributed to heat stress, overexertion and pre-existing medical conditions. Studies have shown that modified PPE can substantially reduce heat stress and firefighter fatigue. The weight and bulkiness of traditional turnout gear tends to increase body temperature by retaining the heat built up...